Infinite Possiblities
Welcome to infinite possibilities in the upcoming year!
One thing I have learned over my lifetime is that nothing is guaranteed. You can place everything in one of 2 categories; what you can control, and what you can’t control. The latter is by far the largest. Let’s take a look at what we CAN control. Truly we can control how we react to something. We can be open minded and let in opportunities with love and grace. We can greet each other with love and kindness, and give our love to those we meet.
Duane Allman made a New Years resolution on Jan 1, 1969, as a wise young man of 22, just 2 years before he died. He said “I will take love wherever I find it, and offer it to everyone who will take it”. Choose to react with love, not fear. I choose love every time. Make space in your life for what for what the universe offers us, hold the door open and invite in the guests. When you choose love, love comes back.
You can also control your breath. Take in each breath lovingly, let it fill your body with newness and strength. Breath out and release what does not serve you, what has already been of use to you and you no longer need. Use your breath to be present, to experience this life with peace, love and joy.
Let in the possibilities of 2024 with a simple vow to react with love and be mindful of what you can control, and accepting of what you can’t. Connect with your purpose and with nature and find balance. Live simply, love much.